How To Learn a Language Fast: 9 Expert Tips

How To Learn a Language Fast: 9 Expert Tips

Language Services Direct Team

If you’re interested in learning a foreign language, especially with a tight deadline, you may be wondering: how can I learn this new language fast?

The answer, unfortunately, is not as straightforward as we would like, as there are many factors to consider when it comes to how fast you can learn. However, there are a few key things that language learners can do to make the process of learning a new language easier and faster.

Here are 9 key tips for how to learn a language fast, from the language learning experts here at Language Services Direct .

The Basics of Speedy Language Learning

According to research by the FSIif we are able to put in 10 hours a day to learn a language, then basic fluency should take 48 days for easy languages, and 72 days for difficult languages.

However, how long it actually takes to learn a language will vary depending on a number of individual factors, such as:

  • Your motivation for learning the language
  • How many hours you are available to study per day
  • Whether you join a professional language course
  • How often you use and practice the language
  • The level of difficulty of the language itself
  • Whether you’re learning the language in a country where it is spoken

All of these factors will affect how quickly you learn a new language. However, there are some general tips that all language learners can follow to make the process go more smoothly, and help you achieve fluency faster.

What is the quickest way to learn a new language?

The quickest way to learn a new language is to immerse yourself in it and take a fast-paced, intensive language learning course.

From here, you should start with the basics. Learning new language skills, grammar, and vocabulary is like building a house: you need to lay a strong foundation before you can start construction. And just like building a house, the process of learning a new language takes time. To expedite the process, we recommend the following tips.

9 Expert Tips For Learning a Language Fast (and Effectively!)

1. Join an intensive language learning course

Language schools are designed to help you learn a second language with ease. Intensive language courses are typically the quickest way to learn a new language, as they provide a structured environment for learning and offer more opportunities to practice than other methods.

In an intensive language course, you will get the opportunity to speak the language with fellow students and get individual attention from a trained tutor. You will also gain knowledge of fundamental grammar and vocabulary faster compared to what you would have had you learned yourself.

If you’re looking to learn a language fast for business purposes, business language training is a great way to ensure you’re adequately prepared and avoiding any common cultural barriers to business communication.

2. Learn one target language at a time

Different foreign languages have different grammar rules, making it difficult to learn multiple languages at the same time. When you begin, we suggest concentrating on one target language. Once you are fully conversant with the fundamentals of that language, you can think of learning other languages. However, it’s probably ideal to simply concentrate on one language to start with.

Focusing on one learning one language consistently will also help to prevent any confusion between the two languages, which can lead to some key errors in speaking or writing. With different styles of grammar, it can be difficult to know when to use certain words or constructions, so by learning one language at a time, you can avoid any mix-ups.

3. Download a mobile app for regular practice

Although we don’t recommend using a mobile app as your only means of language learning, they can be a helpful tool for supplementing your studies. Mobile apps like Duolingo or Babbel offer bite-sized lessons that you can complete in your spare time, such as on your commute to work or while you’re waiting in line at the supermarket.

Using a mobile app can help to keep the language fresh in your mind, as well as motivate you to practice your language and grammar skills every day – anyone who’s ever had practice reminders from the Duolingo owl can tell you that!

4. Speak the language as often as possible

Similarly to using a mobile app, speaking the language as often as possible is a great way to ensure that you don’t forget what you’ve learned. If you’re in a country where the language is spoken, try to speak it as much as possible in everyday life situations – even if you make mistakes, it’s all part of the learning process.

You should also aim to speak with people of native or bilingual proficiency to get to grips with how the native language sounds and flows. 

Speaking with a native speaker or trained language teacher can really boost your key language skills, as native speakers typically use the language in a more natural way than those who are learning it as a second language. This exposure will also help you to pick up on common phrases and idioms that you wouldn’t necessarily find in a textbook.

5. Start with basic vocabulary and script

One of the quickest ways to start learning a new language is to focus on the basics. Learning common phrases, such as greetings and introductions, can help you to begin communicating in the language more quickly.

In addition, gaining a basic understanding of the written script will also help you to progress quicker with more refined skills. For example, if you’re learning Mandarin Chinese, being able to read and write the characters will help you to understand the language better, as well as give you a point of reference when you come across new words.

6. Cross-media immersion

Cross-media immersion is a language-learning technique that involves using multiple types of media – such as books, movies, music and TV shows – to expose yourself to the target language.

In fact, research shows that language learners who frequently watch foreign-language TV programmes outside of study can build better listening skills, vocabulary and reading comprehension.

This method can be particularly effective, as it allows you to hear the language spoken in a natural way. You can watch films in your chosen language using your own language subtitles, or even add your target language subtitles to movies that you’ve already seen in your own language.

Listening to music and podcasts, and reading books and articles are also great ways to immerse yourself in the language. By doing this, you’ll gradually start to pick up on new words and phrases, and before you know it, you’ll be understanding more of the language than you thought possible!

7. Set realistic goals for yourself

Any new language learner needs the right goals. This means setting goals that are challenging, but also achievable. Having too easy of a goal will mean that you’re not challenged enough and might get bored or not learn your chosen language by your target deadline, whereas having an impossible goal – such as fluency within a week – will only lead to frustration.

A good way to set goals is the SMART method – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. For example, a specific goal might be to learn 50 new vocabulary words by the end of the month. 

This goal is then measurable – you can keep track of your progress by making a list of the words you’ve learned. It’s achievable – if you commit to learning 10-15 new words per week, you’ll reach your goal within the month.

8. Get to grips with pronunciation early on

One of the biggest mistakes that language learners make is to wait until they’re reasonably proficient in the language before starting to work on their pronunciation. Pronunciation is an essential part of any language, and if you don’t focus on it from the beginning, it can be difficult to go back and change bad habits later on.

One way to work on your pronunciation is to find a native speaker of the language you’re learning and mimic the way they speak. This can be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become easier and your pronunciation will improve.

Another way to focus on pronunciation is to take a comprehensive accent training course in your chosen language. These courses are designed to help you to identify the key areas of difficulty and give you the tools to improve your pronunciation and accent, which is especially important when communicating in a business environment.

9. Be patient and have fun!

Finally, the most important thing to remember when learning a new language is to be patient and have fun with it. Everyone learns at different speeds, so don’t compare yourself to others – focus on your own progress and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they might seem!

Learning a new language can be a rewarding experience, so enjoy the journey and don’t get too discouraged if you hit a few bumps along the way. Remember, there are professional courses available to help you learn a language fluently and effectively, and many language learners find professional training key to their proficiency.

How To Learn a Language Fast FAQs

How fast can I learn a language?

This depends on a number of factors, such as your age, motivation, learning style and how much time you’re able to dedicate to studying. In general, it’s possible to reach a basic level of proficiency within 6-12 months. However, with an intensive language course, you can hope to reach an intermediate level within 3-6 months.

Are intensive courses effective? 

Professional intensive courses are the most effective way to learn a language quickly. This is because they provide you with a structured learning environment, where you’re able to focus solely on your language goals. 

In addition, most intensive courses offer the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned in a real-world setting, which helps to consolidate your knowledge and improve your confidence.

How can I immerse myself in the language I’m learning?

To expedite your language learning journey, you should immerse yourself in your target language as often as possible. This means listening to native speakers, reading books and articles in your chosen language, watching films and TV shows, and practicing speaking as much as possible.

Looking For Expert Intensive Language Learning?

So there you have it – a few tips to help you get started on your language learning journey! Just remember to set realistic goals for yourself, find materials that you enjoy and make sure to focus on pronunciation from the very beginning.

Learning a new language can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or take years to figure out. You can learn a language quickly whatever your current language level with one of our intensive language courses.

At Language Services Direct , we provide Business Language Training in a number of languages, with intensive options available forSpanishFrench and Arabic.

Our top-quality, accredited language trainers will tailor the course to your specific needs and goals, meaning that you’ll make rapid progress in a short space of time. And, because our courses are all available online, you can learn from the comfort of your own home or office – wherever you happen to be!

Contact us today to find out more – we’re always happy to help!

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